Trekkie Fan Fiction is a FREE Star Trek library of fan-written novels, short stories, graphic novels, audio books, and videos. Contributed to by authors and creators across the world, Trekkie Fan Fiction is proud to be for the fans, by the fans.
Short Story


by Phred Jones

Spock wishes he could lead a life without undue consideration from members of the opposite sex, but his lot in life is otherwise. When those who admire him let their feelings get the better of them it can lead to unexpected - and desirable - consequences.
23rd Century
The Original Series
James T Kirk
Leonard McCoy
Short Story


by Sean O'Keefe

With the recent events with the Borg behind him, Elnor can now get back to his studies at Starfleet Academy.  However, life for the young Romulan is not so easy considering not only his nature, but his participation in recent events.  However, his biggest problem has to do with a little thing called absolute candor...
Picard Season 2
25th - 26th Century

Where They Have Gone, We Follow

by Victoria Avalon

The USS Deimos is called to action with a message they can scarcely believe: hunt down and kill their Captain and First Officer! Having tracked them to the Galactic Barrier, they're beginning to understand why. However, their acting captain is finding it hard to make the call...
23rd Century

First Frontier

by Kenneth Smith

Before Kirk, before Pike, there was Captain Robert April.  Behold the first voyage of the USS Enterprise...
23rd Century
USS Enterprise - NCC 1701

The Death of War

by Joshua Irwin

The USS Excalibur responds to a distress call on the wrong side of the Romulan Neutral Zone. Suddenly, their mission of mercy looks like it will start a second Romulan War!
23rd Century
Graphic Novel

Nova Trek 7: A Tale of Two Captains Pt 3

by M.D. Bruffy

The Romulan invasion fleet arrives to find the Enterprise holding the line. Can Jan and her crew hold on till help arrives- or will they be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice?
23rd Century
The Original Series
James T Kirk

Titan’s Frontier

by David Titley

Titan's Frontier picks up after the voyages of the USS Titan, Captained by William Riker. Set years later, the new USS Titan-A is led by Troi and Riker's daughter, Natasha. Their first mission is to cross the galaxy in the hopes of finding the crew of the USS Maryland, lost during the Dominion War. Using the ship's newly install...
25th - 26th Century

Star Trek: Gibraltar – Prophets and Loss

by Samuel Redfeather

A sequel to Star Trek: Insurrection, the USS Gibraltar finds itself in the middle of a war between the Son'a and the Alshain, trusting the Ba'ku into the firing line. With lives on the line - including Aniij, Captain Picard's new love - the USS Enterprise leads a taskforce consisting of a number of starships, including the Gibr...
The Next Generation
24th Century
USS Enterprise-E
Will Riker
Jean-Luc Picard

A Call for Mercy

by DW Cropper & Ron Cropper Jr

The crew of the newly commissioned UHS Mercy, a dedicated hospital ship, led by the enigmatic Dr M'Benga (formerly of the USS Enterprise), are thrown in the deep end when they are sent to aid the people of Cainus. The planet, peopled by two separate species—the Drackhans and the Agmorrans—is in turmoil due to an invasion by the...
23rd Century

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About Trekkie Fan Fiction

This site is here to prove that you don’t have to pay for the best Star Trek books around. Unhindered by corporate bottom lines, our authors are free to fly wherever their fancies take them. I’m proud to be a part of a family of writers who are determined to bring you the best fiction to be found anywhere. From Enterprise to Prodigy and beyond, the sky’s the limit here at!

So, if you’re an avid Star Trek reader, try us out. If you’re a devoted author wanting to be noticed, send me your stuff and, pending approval, you could find yourself published here! The success of this site is in YOUR hands! And please, don’t forget to tell your friends!

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